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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)⚓︎

Which syntax is allowed in description fields?⚓︎

  • *single star for italic*single star for italic
  • **double star for bold**double star for bold
  • # one hash for main heading

    one hash for main heading

  • ## two hashes for second heading

    two hashes for second heading

  • ### three hashes for third heading

    three hashes for third heading

  • Simple link: [[]] → Simple link:
  • Link with text: [[|text of the link]] → Link with text: text of the link
  • --- for a horizontal rule

What are the available keyboard shortcuts?⚓︎

With macOS, replace Ctrl by Cmd.


  • Ctrl+F → open search panel
  • Ctrl+E → switch to edit mode
  • Escape → close open panel or dialog
  • Shift+drag on the map → zoom to this map extent
  • Shift+click on the zoom buttons → zoom in/out by 3 levels

In edit mode⚓︎

  • Ctrl+E → back to preview mode
  • Ctrl+S → save map
  • Ctrl+Z → undo all changes until last save
  • Ctrl+M → add a new marker
  • Ctrl+P → start a new polygon
  • Ctrl+L → start a new line
  • Ctrl+I → open importer panel
  • Ctrl+O → open importer panel and file browser
  • Ctrl++ → zoom in
  • Ctrl+- → zoom out
  • Shift+click on a feature → edit this feature
  • Ctrl+Shift+click on a feature → edit this feature layer

Which syntax is allowed in conditional rules?⚓︎

  • mycolumn=odd → will match features whose column mycolumn equal odd
  • mycolumn!=odd → will match features whose column mycolumn is missing or different from odd
  • mycolumn>12 → will match features whose column mycolumn is greater than 12 (as number)
  • mycolumn<12.34 → will match features whose column mycolumn is lower than 12.34 (as number)

When the condition match, the associated style will be applied to the corresponding feature.